What is the response time for a request?

We answer any question as promptly as possible, within 3 hours. For ALALONG INVESTOR packages, if more complex analysis are requested, we will respond in 1-2 working days.

What is the platform used for communication?

You can create an account on Discord, with your e-mail address, where we will be able to communicate permanently, in writing/audio-video. If, for various reasons, you prefer another communication platform, we will find a viable solution together.

What happens if I exceed my interaction limit in a month?

If the limit of interactions is exceeded in a month, you will pay an additional cost of 1eur/interaction, which will be invoiced at the end of the current month.

If I haven't requested all of the interactions included in my plan in a month, can I request a refund of the remaining amount?

No. The monthly costs are fixed (except if number of interactions is to be increased).

Can unused interactions in one month roll over to the next month's subscription?

No, interactions cannot be accumulated from month to month.

Can I change my mind about my payment plan?

Sure! If your needs change from month to month, you can opt for a different plan. However, the amounts already paid cannot be refunded.

Are there discounts for annual payment?

Yes. We encourage alalong partnerships! If you decide on an annual plan, you'll get a 2-month discount - meaning you'll pay 10 months out of 12!

Can refunds be requested?

No, the amounts cannot be refunded. That's why we offer the most flexible subscription options.

Can I unsubscribe at any time?

Yes. Subscription can be canceled at any time. In the case of annual payment, if the subscription is terminated before term, you will not be refunded the amounts paid for the remaining period of time.